Clause de non-responsabilité

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Elacin is a registered trademark of Elacin International B.V. This website and its content are protected under intellectual property right laws and agreements. All brands, trade names and work protected by copyright that can be viewed and/or patent rights that exist in respect of this website are the property of Elacin International or its suppliers, unless otherwise stated. The use, copying, making public, etc. of the website, (parts of) its content and the intellectual property rights contained therein is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission Elacin International B.V. and/or its suppliers. This website is intended for their own or internal use by (potential) customers. Permission is only granted to view the website on a single computer and/or to print a single ‘hard-copy’ of it.

This website is intended for the provision of information to (potential) customers. Elacin International B.V. has put together the content of the website with the greatest possible care but cannot give any guarantees as to its nature, content and/or use. Elacin International B.V. is not responsible for any damage that may be caused by the use of the website. To the extent that Elacin International B.V. has included ‘links’ on its website to third party websites, Elacin International B.V. provides no guarantee in relation to their nature, content and use. Elacin International B.V. is not responsible for any damage that may be caused by the use of these websites. It is not permitted to ‘frame’ this website and link to it from other websites without written permission.