Elacin RC

No.1 hearing protector

Optimal protection with natural sound

Enjoy optimal acoustic and physical comfort with the Elacin RC. Particularly pleasant hearing protector to wear thanks to the combination of a custom-made Elacin earmould and the flat-attenuating, aerated Elacin RC acoustical filter.

Who is it for?

When do you need an Elacin RC hearing protector?

  • When speech intelligibility is important
  • If the perception of working sounds and alarms is of vital importance
  • When you wear it regularly for a longer period of time
  • When going to bars and clubs that play loud music
  • During DIY and construction work


The Elacin RC otoplastics are made of silicone with a softness of 60 Shore.
Standard delivery in a transparent finish, multiple colours available.

The Elacin RC range can be delivered with different moulds tailored for a variety of situations.

  • Elacin RC with integrated grip for easy insertion and removal.
  • Elacin RC minigrip for comfort underneath a helmet or earmuffs.
  • Elacin RC no-grip designed for optimal discretion, for example,
    for people with regular customer contact aboard an aircraft or in the pub.


The Elacin RC is available with five different acoustical filters:
• Elacin RC13
• Elacin RC15
• Elacin RC17
• Elacin RC18
• Elacin RC19

Most filters can be interchanged. Elacin provides exchange-filters on request.


The Elacin RC can be delivered in the colours red, blue, yellow, black or green transparent.


For the food industry, Elacin gladly equips your hearing protection with a detectable bullet and cord + shirt clip. We also recommend the colour ‘blue’ to find it easily. This option applies to all versions of the Elacin RC.


• Custom-made for a perfect fit
• Prevents over-attenuation
• Provides optimal protection while maintaining
speech intelligibility
• Made from soft, light silicone
• Allows ventilation to reach the ear canal
• No feeling of pressure in the ears


To maintain the best possible hearing protection, clean it regularly with hygiene products from Elacin. Clean your hearing protectors easily and quickly with our Hygiene Kit or HygienePLUS Value Pack products


If you are looking for hearing protection, send an email to our Customer Service or call +31 162 – 37 25 25.
We are happy to make you an offer!